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After 15 years of using Nokia devices I thought it was about time to say what I think but trying not to be too serious about this. For instance my two Maine coons Del and Rodney have some very important things to say so I thought it necessary to include them.

Monday, 4 October 2010

Guitar Rock Tour 2 HD by Gameloft on the Nokia N8 - A quick purrview

And the games keep coming! Another classic from Gameloft and, once again, they have done a suPURRb job.

I am sure that,by now, you are asking why a pair of pussy cats would want to play a game like this. Well, you see, it's all Mummy's fault. She loves Rock music so we have got used to it and kind of like strutting our stuff (in a cat way of course, involving more swishing tails than head banging).

While we are on the subject of music, the songs in the game are ace and sound really, really good out of the N8's speaker.

As you can see, there are two play options: quick play if you just fancy a quick song and then out, or Career mode which, once set up, you can do that too.

Nice!! Not the usual "tap a name in". However, you may notice that we are not that talented at writing - believe it or not, that scrawl is "RD". Rodney Del in short.

If you believe our maths ability is good enough, there are 11 characters to choose from. (more fool you if you do, since when were cats good at maths?).

Plus, as the picture shows, you get to play drums too. A bit more difficult with paws and I am better with my opposable paw than my bro Del.

So the actual gameplay itself is classic Guitar Hero/Rock tour stuff -something we cats are excellent at. Well, it is chasing lights after all!!

Daddy, on the other hand, sucks!!

As you can see, it follows the usual format seen before on symbian devices. Graphically however, it's a whole new story and, unlike the N-gage game of old, they did not cut down on the amount of songs available.

We liked this game so much we had a brotherly hug afterwards...


  1. ROFLMAO! Another gem of a review sheri. I gotta say though, i read these posts more for the Purr talk than the reviews ;)

  2. The boys will be pleased and thanks for reading whatever the reason
