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After 15 years of using Nokia devices I thought it was about time to say what I think but trying not to be too serious about this. For instance my two Maine coons Del and Rodney have some very important things to say so I thought it necessary to include them.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Cricket T20 Fever by IG FUN on the Nokia N8 - A quick purrview

IG (India Games) is not a game developer we know but, perhaps not surprisingly, they have done a cricket game. Now, we pussy cats are not really cricket fans - have you ever tried holding a cricket bat with paws? Not easy, even with Rodneys' opposable ones. Now football would be a different story as you will see later. Sorry we strayed from the path there a little, too much for our scatter brains to take in. Back to the game.

So there are 2 options. Play a quick match or select a game mode shown on the screenshot below.

Now pussy cats are not known for their cricketing prowess, we would prefer just to chase the ball or snooze happily from the sidelines during the many hours during which nothing happens!! We resisted that urge to bring you this quick purrview. Just!

So on to the game, thankfully there is full bowling and batting tutorials. Phew, we really needed them.

Bowling (Easy than batting and we get to play with the ball!!)

Well what can we say but from what we know of cricket the game pretty much proceeds in the normal way. Obviously you can choose how many Overs (think that is what you call it) you play.

You can also select where you play,the difficulty level and obviously the teams.

Here are some screenshots from the game - highlights you might say.

We saw this screenshot a lot.

That's it for the quick purrview. A really good game, the controls are more difficult than most games. More so for batting but, more than anything, that just makes it a challenge.

We thought we would share with you what we prefer to do with a ball!

Sims 3 by EA on the Nokia N8 - A quick purrview

Another EA classic hits the Nokia N8. This time it's Sims 3. We have had Sims 3 before on Nokia devices, this version is worlds' apart from anything we have seen before.
Now some of you may be asking, "why would two pussy cats want to play Sims 3?". Well that, my friends, is easy to answer. We get to control humans!! Not that we don't control you normally, it's just we can be more obvious this way instead of sneakily getting you to do exactly what we want you to do.

So on to the game itself, well it has all the usual components you would expect from a Sims game. You get to tailor your character, clothes, hair, shoes, sex, personality etc etc etc.

So you have tailored your Sim, now what? Well you go out into the big, wide Sim world, make friends, enemies (the bit we like best), find yourself a job, go fishing (hmm, fish...), do some gardening, find a girlfriend/boyfriend, get engaged, get married. Well, everything you humans do as part of your daily humdrum lives!!

During the game your sim has wishes, no - not the genie in a bottle type of wishes, just things your sim wants to accomplish.

This one we like

Now obviously your Sim, as part of life, has to eat, sleep, wash, cook and go to the litter tray. Oops, sorry we meant toilet. So you have to go out there and work to earn money to improve your standard of living, and ours of course, we expect the best you know.

We could keep rambling on, something my bro Rodney is very good at doing, but in short if you like this type of game then Sims 3 is a must. A tried and tested game that now looks great too.

Sunday, 26 September 2010

Armageddon Squadron by Polarbit on the Nokia N8 - a quick Purrview

Poor, poor Daddy. Well, he soon will be. Only kidding - these games are not expensive and here is another with a 3 euro price tag.

This game from Polarbit is a flight simulator and we have to say it's pretty decent too. Controls work really well and graphics are nice. Plus it has an online, multiplayer mode. Great for us when Daddy gets his Orange N8, oh the hours of fun shooting my bro. Now all I need is a beat 'em up so I can lay some wicked punches and kicks on my bro. Oh wait, I do that in real life. Scratch that then. No seriously, scratch that, no left ear. Purr purr!!

So, as with most games, you get options in single player mode for the type of game you want to play - depending on the time you have available.

Judging by this, we assume there are 12 missions in the campaign mode. Of course there may be more. Here are two screenshots from the intro to the Tank Factory mission:

And here is an in-game screenshot whilst playing the tank factory mission. If memory serves, and I have to say our memories are not great... Well come on, there is a lot to remember for a cat, when to sleep, when to eat, when to annoy Daddy... where was I? Oh yes, was going to say there are 3 weapon choices - just swipe down over the symbol in the top right to select your weapons.

So all in all another nice game from Polarbit. Paws up on this one. Keep the games coming Polarbit, us pussy cats love what you are doing!!

Ironsight by Polarbit on the Nokia N8 - A quick purrview

Yet more games! We are in pussy cat heaven - unlike poor Daddy who is pawing the bill for our happiness. I am sure he does not mind, not that we have asked him. This time we got 4 new games from Polarbit, two of which seem to be updated versions of games we played on the N97 and two are new, to us anyway.

First up is Iron Sight. This is a 3D turn-based artillery style game using robots (mechs) and a variety of rockets rather than traditional artillery.

There are 2 modes of play in the single player game, campaign and single mission. You can either be on the side of the rebellion or with the corporation. The multiplayer mode also gives two options, Hot Seat or Internet. Hot Seat meaning you pass the device to a friend when it's their turn and Internet obviously is online play.

We like the Hot Seat mode, or rather I do. I get to drop bombs on my bro in revenge for all the times he has dropped his full weight on me, and believe me he is very heavy!

The first level is pretty simple with hardly any cover. This means targetting your opponent doesn't involve moving too much. The later levels have buildings and more obstacles, making it harder to accurately target the opponent unless you move into the clear. This, however, means you are also an easy target for their weapons.

The game costs 3 euros and is easily worth the amount. It will provide numerous hours of mech destroying (or dropping bombs on your bro) fun.

Monday, 20 September 2010

GT Racing: Motor Academy HD on the Nokia N8 - A quick Purrview

Oh poor daddy, his credit card continues to get hit. But what is a few euros compared to two happy pussy cats? This time it is another driving game and it's huge. Well I say huge but it's nothing compared to Del my brother (He is 8.5kg or nearly 19lbs) . However we have played a lot of games on Nokia devices and we have never seen one weigh in at 155.5Mb. So was the hefty download worth it? First impressions, OH YES!!!

There are two modes of play, career and arcade.

The control system is very good although Need for Speed: Shift is slightly more realistic where steering is concerned. There are settings to help with brake assist and traction control dependent upon your level of skill. We set ours to Novice to start with (well we are pussy cats after all). You get an onscreen accelerator and brake pedal that are very responsive. All in all, a great system and probably very challenging so even the more accomplished of drivers (those with hands rather than paws) will find the game a challenge.

As you would imagine there are numerous cars to choose from of all shapes and sizes. You also get to choose by manufacturer. A nice touch. Here are the manufacturers and a few of the cars. THERE ARE LOADS!!!

We don't want to spoil it for you so we have not posted pics of all the cars. Well, to be honest, we wanted to - but Daddy told us off. So, after a bit of sulking, we agreed only to post these. PS, we posted the rest to Daddy's flickr account so go have a look. One very special car!!!

This is just a quick purrview so we will not say anymore about the game except go get it yourself and its a bargain at only 3 euros!! Have fun.

Sunday, 19 September 2010

Galaxy On Fire on the Nokia N8 - another quick Purrview

In a Galaxy far, far away. To boldly go where no pussycat has gone before. At this stage I should point out that Daddy is a sci-fi buff (nut-job actually) hence the quotes as he makes us watch. I should also point out (because Mummy would do otherwise) that "To boldly go" is grammatically incorrect. It should be "To go boldly". Sorry about all that but this game ignited memories.

It seems there is no rest for Daddy's credit card - lets hope all the really great games come before he notices. If he does we don't care, we will just give him puss in boot eyes. Or pay off the credit card before he realises. We know how :-)

Just look at this game, it looks amazing. But looks are not everything. It plays amazingly well too. We have been using accerelerometer control which (as seems usual with Fishlabs) you can adjust for sensitivity to suit your paws. You can use an onscreen d-pad if you prefer.

As you can probably tell, this is a space-based shoot 'em up. As with a lot of games of this type, you can upgrade your ship, buy a new one and/or buy new weapon systems. Check your cargo as you acquire loot throughout the game.

Some more suPAWlicious screenshots for your viewing pleasure,

This game truely is beautiful in every sense. Smell, looks, touch, sound - Cheesy Cheshire Cat grin here. Thank you Fishlabs. This game gets a definite paws up - ALL PAWS