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After 15 years of using Nokia devices I thought it was about time to say what I think but trying not to be too serious about this. For instance my two Maine coons Del and Rodney have some very important things to say so I thought it necessary to include them.

Saturday, 18 September 2010

Rally Master Pro on the Nokia N8 - A Quick Purrview

What can we say but: thanks for the loan of the credit card again Daddy. Shhhh!! He does not know but we got another great game today. This time it's from Fishlabs. These guys make some great games and we will be reviewing another one of theirs in the coming days.

On to the game, well it really is eye candy (or catnip). Its stunning - just like us. Modest I know but what is a cat to do? The game plays well and gives you the option to use the accelerometer or onscreen keys to control the car's direction. You can also adjust the sensitivity to suit your particular style. Needless to say' I am quite delicate with the controls whereas my bro Rodney is a pure lunatic. Well he is a GINGER!!

The game has several modes of play, Career, Time Trial, Adrenaline and Mini-Games, although only Career mode is available to start with. Time Trials becomes available as you complete each stage in Career mode and the others when you earn them. So be good, be very good!!

Career mode works the same as a real Rally Race with several stages. There are 9 stages to complete but beware - you receive damage so it's easy to total the car if you are not careful. Something my mad Ginger brother did with alarming frequency. You do get the opportunity to repair your car from time to time to help out and that is, in its own way, a mini-game too with you having to complete tasks.

After each race you complete, you get a replay with controls to pause, rewind, fast forward etc so you can re-live your glory or, as in our case, your appalling driving. Well come on - we are cats!!!

In short, this is another great game for your Nokia N8 which will give you hours of Pawtastic fun.

1 comment:

  1. Happy to see the cats are blogging again!
