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After 15 years of using Nokia devices I thought it was about time to say what I think but trying not to be too serious about this. For instance my two Maine coons Del and Rodney have some very important things to say so I thought it necessary to include them.

Sunday, 26 September 2010

Ironsight by Polarbit on the Nokia N8 - A quick purrview

Yet more games! We are in pussy cat heaven - unlike poor Daddy who is pawing the bill for our happiness. I am sure he does not mind, not that we have asked him. This time we got 4 new games from Polarbit, two of which seem to be updated versions of games we played on the N97 and two are new, to us anyway.

First up is Iron Sight. This is a 3D turn-based artillery style game using robots (mechs) and a variety of rockets rather than traditional artillery.

There are 2 modes of play in the single player game, campaign and single mission. You can either be on the side of the rebellion or with the corporation. The multiplayer mode also gives two options, Hot Seat or Internet. Hot Seat meaning you pass the device to a friend when it's their turn and Internet obviously is online play.

We like the Hot Seat mode, or rather I do. I get to drop bombs on my bro in revenge for all the times he has dropped his full weight on me, and believe me he is very heavy!

The first level is pretty simple with hardly any cover. This means targetting your opponent doesn't involve moving too much. The later levels have buildings and more obstacles, making it harder to accurately target the opponent unless you move into the clear. This, however, means you are also an easy target for their weapons.

The game costs 3 euros and is easily worth the amount. It will provide numerous hours of mech destroying (or dropping bombs on your bro) fun.

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